Article by Irene Kwon
Development and Communications Intern
PeopleFund is proud to present Bennu as our August Featured Client. In 2009, Austin welcomed a new addition to the coffee shop scene that was here to stay. Located close to the UT campus in south east Austin, Bennu is a cozy 24-hour coffee shop with an old library feel. Its mellow lighting, soft chairs and friendly staff make it the perfect place for customers to study or sit and rest a while.
When trying to open Bennu, owners Steve and Stephanie Williams had 15 years of experience in the coffee shop industry but no funds to start their own business. Their banker referred them to PeopleFund when the chances of obtaining a reasonably termed bank loan looked slim. PeopleFund was able to extend a $20,000 loan to the Williams for their now thriving business. Since that time, Bennu has served thousands of customers and has become one of Austin’s best places to enjoy a cup-a-joe.
What has contributed to Bennu’s huge success? The Williams wouldn’t reveal any trade secrets but according to Stephanie, “we’ve always tried to do good things and it’s just come back to us. It’s not about the money, we wanted to create a community space.” PeopleFund is honored to be a part of Bennu’s history and invites readers to stop by for a quick cup or just hang out on a late afternoon.
Visit Bennu’s website to find out more about their coffee and menu: