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Texas Veterans Commission and PeopleFund partner to launch Veteran Entrepreneur Academy

The Texas Veterans Commission is launching a new training program for budding entrepreneurs.

The Veteran Entrepreneur Academy is a four-month program followed by a two-year mentorship provided by the Veterans Commission designed to provide veterans with small-business basics, the commission said Friday in a statement.

The Veterans Commission is teaming with PeopleFund to provide startup or growth capital to graduates. Active duty and honorably discharged veterans or their spouses who complete the training would be eligible for a loan up to $35,000 at a 5% interest rate, the release indicates.

The academy is accepting applications through January 26th, 2015. Classes are scheduled to begin in Austin on February 28th and end May 9th. Applicants must attend all on-site and online classes to be certified and qualify for the $35,000 loan.

“By virtue of their unique military experience, veterans have already demonstrated that, with the right training, they can overcome any obstacle,” Commission Executive Director Thomas Palladino said in the statement. “The Veteran Entrepreneur Academy is structured to provide a higher level of training for business.”

The Texas Veterans Commission is hosting its 15th annual Veterans Summit in Austin on February 4 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. PeopleFund President and CEO Gary Lindner will be participating in the Veteran Business/ Entrepreneurship panel as part of a wide range of veteran related topics covered at the Summit. 

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