PeopleFund Small Business Loans for minorities, women, and veterans in El Paso:
- 915 Rewards
- Barbacoa Los Primos
- Chances “R”
- City Slickers Limited Liability Company
- Como’s Pizzeria
- Delight Labs
- Gamer’s Dungeon
- Izzy Delivery Service, Inc
- Lucky Blue Logistics
- MABEG Trucking
- Meatless Merchants
- Mr. Papa’s De Sonora
- Negawatt Industries
- Pedicabs El Paso
- PT Transport
- Rocky Springs Water Company
- Roldan Brokerage Group, Inc.
- Sally Renee Olmos Agency
- The Golden Cat Salon
- Villarreal Trucking
- XTreme Core Fitness
Check back for more additions to our Small Business Loans in El Paso page.