
PeopleFund hosts Art Auction for Japan Relief

Austin’s award-winning, highly-collected artists Will Klemm, Shawn Camp, and Jan Heaton are joining more than 50 local area artists to raise money to aid the people of Japan devastated by earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis. Paintings, mosaics, and other forms of art will be on sale at the event on Thursday, April 21.

“Hope for Japan, Art from Austin” is hosted by PeopleFund at the organization’s “green” and modernist new headquarters at 2921 E. 17th Street. In addition to donated works of art, the coalition of Austin artists will also be offering up refreshments and live music to make the evening festive and memorable.

What: “Hope for Japan, Art from Austin” silent auction and party benefitting the American Red Cross

Who: Austin area artists and the general public

Where: PeopleFund Headquarters, 2921 E. 17th Street 7 8702

When: Thursday, April 21 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Visuals: Locally-produced art, live music, Austinites gathering in support of Japan Relief

Event Backstory: The collaboration began when Austin mosaic artist Karin Gerstenhaber was looking at online photos of the devastation in Japan. “An aerial photo of hundreds of shipping containers tossed around like Legos really communicated the enormity and the power of what had happened,” explained Gerstenhaber. “Haunted by that image, I couldn’t sleep. So I worked through the night on a mosaic piece that reflected those container boxes. When I talked about it with friends, they wanted to do something too.”

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