
Announcing Economic Summit 2012

We were so inspired by our PeopleTalk speaker and arts entrepreneur Deborah Hamilton-Lynne that we decided to keep the arts entrepreneurship ball rolling with next fall’s Economic Summit.

Each year, we host the summit to discuss a topic vital to our community. In the past we’ve focused on affordable housing, green jobs and workforce development. This year, we are going with arts entrepreneurship.

Austin is a town full of arts entrepreneurs. We’re talking about the Austinites who find themselves making it work as one our homegrown musicians, spending their Saturdays making the next ‘Slacker,’ or taking part in our thriving writing and poetry community. These people are all entrepreneurs.

They’re finding the funds for their projects, marketing their brands and managing their cash-flow. This year’s summit will be all about helping them approach their craft with the entrepreneurial mindset to make their business work. We have been working with superstar arts entrepreneurs Ann Graham and Lisa Byrd to put this whole thing together, but if you have any suggestions for our breakout sessions or speakers, post in the comments!

We will have more updates to come, so keep us bookmarked!

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