PeopleFund Blog

Client Feature | Rocket Fizz

image (1)John Farmer saw the Rocket Fizz concept while visiting California in 2010 and immediately had a gut feeling that this was the next opportunity for his life. As fate would have it, Rocket Fizz was looking to expand its operation to Texas. Wasting no time, John began pursuing his dream of opening the very first Texas Rocket Fizz.

Finding funding was not easy, and John unsuccessfully tried to get loans from banks for two years. One day, Price Arredondo of the Tyler Area Chamber of Commerce recommended PeopleFund to John. John says that PeopleFund took the time to consider more factors in providing funding than a typical bank and as a result was able to offer him financial assistance. Rocket Fizz opened in Tyler, Texas last August and business has been growing ever since.

John attributes his success to the uniqueness of his business – you won’t see a soda andimage 41 candy store like Rocket Fizz anywhere else – and his efforts to promote it. He makes it a high priority to get people in the store, and keeping the “buzz” about his store fresh. John says the best part about owning his own business is the freedom  to try out wacky ideas, even if they are total failures, and being able to share his experiences with others  looking to start a business of their own. His dream is to own more Rocket Fizz stores, and he’s currently pursuing exploring other locations in key areas across Texas.

image 37His advice to entrepreneurs wanting to start their own business? “Take all your desires and hopes for owning your own business and run head first into the biggest tree that you can find. Size yourself up for some boxing gloves, and bring a sack lunch ‘cause it’s going to be an all-day fight, every day. Be ready to be humbled around every corner. Finally, meet more people than you’re used to and remember their names – who you know trumps every bit of education you may have received.”

For more information about Rocket Fizz please visit their website or Facebook page.

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